Solving customer pain points for Hello Fresh

The Brief

As part of a User Experience Design immersive course, we were given the freedom of choosing a problem space to explore and tackle. During the pandemic, there was a surge of people ordering food online on a regular basis. For busy professionals needing quick meal options, we decided to find ways of making the ordering experience on hello fresh better.


The design for Hello Fresh  was shaped by the principles of design thinking methodology - research, definition, ideation, prototyping, and testing. 

The Team:

Myself(UX Designer)

Poppy Neill (UX Designer)

Dada Park (UX Designer)

Stephen Siu (UX Designer)




Google Forms

My Responsibilities as a (UX Designer) on the team: 

Project Management





User Testing

Persona creation

One on one semi structured user interviews


3 weeks

Subscription mail order fresh food delivery service

HelloFresh is a leading meal kit company in Canada and across the world, providing ingredients for entire meals in refrigerated boxes with recipes. As well as specializes in Fresh ingredients for healthier dinner options and  well-portioned meals.

Competitive Research 

I conducted research to see the positive and negative aspects of each company and how we can include similarities to hello fresh to improve the quality of a food subscription service. As well as to question is there any missing factors that can be emplaned  further explored.  

Chefs Plate

Chef's Plate is an online platform that enables users to get fresh, pre-portioned ingredients and chef-inspired recipes to their homes while eliminating the need for grocery shopping. ​


Easy to use navigation

Eco friendly packaging 

Variety meals

No-commitment subscription

Easy cancellation 


Grocery variety shop options ex snacks

selection of Cultural foods options

Easy to use navigation 

Variety meal plans

Eco friendly packaging

No-commitment subscription

Easy cancellation


No rewards system 

Not wide food selections for (snacks, grocery, breakfast meals) 

No Wine pairings for every recipe

Cook it 

A Montreal-based meal kit delivery company called Cook it has meal plans of wider food selection to choose from for bigger families, busy people, novice cooks, and vegetarians.


Large variety food  for user types:  Big Families ,Picky eaters, Novice cooks,Couples, Busy people , vegetarians.

Easy to use navigation       

Eco friendly fish (Fish from sustainable fisheries, approved by Ocean Wise)

Free delivery

Rewards program

Wine pairings for every recipe

No-commitment subscription

Easy cancellation 


Limited delivery area

No allergy information

Smaller food selection each week only dinner selection

Good food

​A food subscription delivery service that provides fresh food with recipes to eliminate the need for grocery shopping. ​


No rewards program 

No list of allergens

No Wine pairings for every recipe

Background information

Market research

Demand is on the rise!

HelloFresh gained 1 million users in the first quarter of 2021 alone.

 Industry Leader

HelloFresh is the industry leader with over 50% market share in 2020.

Home cooked meals

consumer behaviors shifted to home cooked meals during COVID. Users want to continue this trend.

 Healthy Eating

There has been an increase in the healthy eating trend over the past 5 years.

Background Information

Market Research


Competitive Research

  • We Combined our interviews results into a giant Affinity Mapping exercise

  • Was able to split users into different categories.

User Profile 


A young professional who is always on the go


  • Cutting down food costs to spend elsewhere.

  • Learn how to cook new food.

  • Have a hassle free time when shopping, preparing and cooking dinner.

  • Frustration and Concerns

  • Hello Fresh and other services do not have enough variety in their meals

  • Last minute work trips makes canceling boxes ahead of time impossible.

  • Her constant on the go social life causes Jane to leave HelloFresh food uncooked and ultimately wasted.

User Journey 

Week 1

Jane is looking for food inspiration and at home cooking and finds hello fresh 

Jane is happy with the new meal rotation

Week 2

She is happy with her food rotation

She is happy with her food and discount price 

Discount ends and she is not offered any more loyalty points or offers

Week 3

Jane buys food this week but it all goes to waste Orders box this week but realizes she has to go on a work trip 

Week 4

Looks for food but not enough variety so cancels subscription


HelloFresh Pain points


Over the long run, users find that the long term menu does not have enough options to choose from.


Users are finding it difficult to consistently cook due to work trips, spontaneous friend visits and other changes.

Canceling Time

Currently, users must cancel their meals 5 days before delivery. This is impossible for users who have spontaneous schedules.

 Wasting Food

Users feel guilty when they miss their meal box. They do not like to see their meal go to waste and this leads to cancellations.

Problem Statement :

Users are leaving HelloFresh because they are not satisfied with the variety of their meals and inflexibility of the ordering schedule  


How might we change HelloFresh to recapture old users who canceled their service?


Sketches (we iterated over several days)

Variety meal  meal selection

Filter for the user to check the available options in a easier way 

Question from the user face 

What happens user clicks edit delivery button? 

What happens when user clicks on cart button?

How would we structure options for the filter?(Protein , cuisine )card sorting

How does the screen currently look on PC and mobile 

Lifestyle 4  Meals)

Let user to change the serving freely for each boxes 

Ex : when the default  serving is 4 , inform user how much it would cost extra 

If he/she adds additional servings

Sketches (we iterated over several days)

I went over 6 more ideas that was pretty similar to our groups ideas for

Flex boxes , semi frozen 

Longer life meets 

Latening cancellations

Donating wasted food to local food banks

Allowing users to add on single servings 

Ways to improve hello fresh

Solution / ideas

Who did we talk to ?

Recurring customers of hello fresh 

What did we learn?

Users  found that they were unable to use the meal kits due to changes in their schedule or lifestyle.

Ideas we explored :

Variety of food 

  • Open a new line of business that serves semi prepared food

Canceling time

  • Delay before 24 hours / skip the week you can cancel grocery same day without a charge

Wasting food

  • Using fermented food instead of fresh meals 

  • for an extra option to add when choosing a meal you can also send box to food banks to your area

  • These were the ideas that these were close but not a right fir for hello fresh :

  • wasted food lifestyle plans change or change food friends come over

  • Possibly partner with restaurants four different food experience like Uber eats

  • Themed evenings like taco Tuesdays or extra options like cultural for every country showing their type of food for the month or alternating throughout the month

  • Mystery week or month you just don't know what they are getting until they receive the box

  • Have biodegradable shopping bag full boar usable temperature cooler box reusable napkin to wrap food

  • Over a week we went over different options that better suited the users

After many Discussions

All of our ideas were the same but layouts and formatting was different. So we decided as a team to choose the same layout as hello fresh and add in the search bar and flex box option.


Flexible Meal Kits

Increase the time meal kits can be kept in the warehouse or at home.

Shorten cancellation time

Allow users to cancel their meals in a shorter time frame.

Reducing Waste

Allow wasted food to go towards a good cause.

Display Variety

Allow users to filter through their catalog to show the variety of food and show if users ordered a box or not.


I conducted user testing on all three pages and found that users found it and enjoyable experience with the first page but did not get as much good feedback for the food bank option for the 2nd screen and 3rd screen. User were unsure if they would they would use on the

(The low-fidelity version allows you the option of  clicking on chicken)

(The low-fidelity version allows you the option of clicking on chicken)

Feedback from Questionnaires

Introducing Flex boxes

We created an intro on the main screen as a marketing strategy to introduce flex box and see how users respond to it.

5 out of 6 users loved the idea of trying something new , but the question remained would they use it often? Based on the interviews 3 out of  6 people who live a busy lifestyle didn’t mind trying it out for a while because food in the past would go to waste.

On the Menu page by clicking on the search bar  and selecting the type of meat , then you are brought to the third screen as shown above.

Users top concerns are not enough variation and wasted food hence the flex box.

4 out of 6 found it easier to choose the food they crave for by adding in the type of meat.

I did an A.B. testing of the homepage with two different quotes to see how easy is it to catch the eye and Appeal to users.

Based on the a/b testing users preferred 6 users preferred option A and 2 user preferred option B.

Limited Finance Information

We had limited information surrounding the lifetime value of a customer or cost of retention. This made it difficult when it came to pricing and discount oriented solutions.

Limited Access

While we had access to current users, we would have liked to talk to at least 5 current users. This would aid us in understanding their behaviors.

Access to HelloFresh

We had no communication to HelloFresh which made information gathering more difficult.

Key takeaways

I learned about myself in this project to explain my ideas and sketches more clearly and communicate with your teammates often to achieve high quality work. As well as, know your team members’ strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. This will help give each individual opportunities to shine with their talents and expand their knowledge in areas they want to grow.